Families & Groups

When you are looking for somewhere with a bit more space and additional amenities are important

Precious time away with friends and loved ones

Now more than ever we know how important it is to spend time with friends and family, in a place you can temporarily call ‘home’ and share together. 

Our selection below are chosen as they can accommodate at least 4 people and some up to 8 adults and 3 children. We have places close to the seafront, or outside the city near more rural attractions. 

If spending time in together, cooking a meal and have a games or movie night is your thing, we have you covered with some great options below, with fully equipped kitchens, large dining tables and plenty of space to hang out together. Some also provide games from classic board games, to video games and of course, the option to log into your Netflix account.

On the other hand, if you’re travelling away together but are more about getting out and about in the day and want your own personal space when you get back, but still want to stay close to your group, we have an option for that too.

Take a look and see what takes your fancy. No squabbling over which one to book!

Daniel Ruttle